Wells H.G. EN LL - Klassische Bücher in einfacher Sprache

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Herbert George Wells, often called H.G. Wells, is an English writer. He was born in England in 1866. He grew up in a poor family. Wells is known for his science fiction books. Some of his most famous books are ‘The Time Machine’, ‘The War of the Worlds’ and ‘The Invisible Island’. Wells is often referred to as one of the ‘fathers of science fiction’. Wells was not only a writer, but also a teacher and historian. Wells died in 1946.
The time machine
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The Time Machine - Wells, H.G.
"The Time Machine" tells the story of a scientist called "the time traveller". He builds a time machine and travels into the future, landing in the year 802,701. There are two types of people in this future world. The over-world people live above ground. They are beautiful, but weak and not very clever. The Morlocks live underground. They are stronger and smarter, but also terrifying. The time traveller finds out that the Morlocks control the over-world people and even eat them. In the end, the time traveller fights the Morlocks to return to his time machine. He succeeds and returns to his own time. There he tells his friends about his adventures, but they don't believe him.
Our books by H.G. Wells
The Time Machine
ebook: 978-3-7592-3365-3
Print: 978-3-7592-3374-5
adlima GmbH, CH-6005 Luzern, info @ adlima.ch
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